Bee Eaters are well represented on this continent, with 19 out of a worldwide total of 25 species occurring in Africa. South Africa is host to 7 of them. Blue-cheeked Bee Eater, European Bee Eater, Little Bee Eater, Southern Carmine Bee Eater, Swallow tailed Bee Eater, the common White-throated Bee Eater and White Fronted Bee Eater.

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

White-throated Bee Eater

Little Bee Eater

Little Bee Eater

Little Bee Eater

European Bee Eater

European Bee Eater